Sanctions Impact Tracker
Our Sanctions/Operations Tracker, launched in May 2021, allows clients to monitor how governments and companies are reacting to the political changes in Myanmar.
Premium Subscribers can click directly on the links below to view our unique interactive tables and tools:
List of companies and entities subject to targeted sanctions, providing details about the sanctioning government, entity connections and links to the original announcements.
List of Myanmar nationals subject to targeted sanctions, providing details about the sanctioning government, connections to companies and links to the original announcements.Tracking tool listing companies and IFIs, across all sectors, that have pulled out / halted operations or taken other actions after 1 February 2021. Provides details about company operations and links to original announcements/reports and additional reporting from FMR.Profiles of key military-owned companies, across all sectors, subject or potentially subject to sanctions.List of Htoo Group subsidiaries subject to UK sanctions